Mankind is meant to be free

Discover tools that support your pursuit of liberty.

Create a world free of tyranny by unlocking the keys to critical thinking.


Inside the Freedom Vault you will discover:

Richard Grove’s Anarchapulco 2022 Presentation

“The Ultimate History Lesson” with John Taylor Gatto

Richard Grove’s History Blueprint Brain Model

“Toward a New World Order” by George Soros (1993 PDF)

Global Strategic Trends 2040 Summary

DARPA Drastic Daszak Documents

Richard Grove’s “Slow Your Scroll” self-reliance vlog

1 Month FREE Subscription to Grand Theft World Community

Unlock the Freedom Vault!

You’ve seen the headlines. You’ve lived through the lockdowns. Now it’s time to uncover the hidden history that has led us to this moment.

Catch up on the plans the powers-that-shouldn’t-be have been making for us, as the distracted masses binge on fast food and Netflix.

Your liberation from encroaching tyranny starts with what’s between your ears.

Arm yourself with the evidence, tools, and resources to meet and greet these challenges.

You’re not a character in someone else’s script. You’re the helmsman!

Thank you Richard for serving up some real information and real solutions. I'm so grateful to have found my way here. It’s been enlightening, to say the least.

—Heather G.

Sincerely grateful for your work. Professional, thoughtful, educational, and inspirational. Thank you for sharing these resources. The value is clear and your generosity is highly appreciated.

—Mr. E Hunter